

You Will Get:

  • Instant 6-month subscription to pre-recorded holistic learning experiences in Arabic about insect habitats, seasonal fruits, under the ocean discovery, and a magical journey around the world.
  • Experiences that feature storytelling, finger plays, and art & craft tutorials.
  • A downloadable detailed guide for each experience in both English and Arabic that will help you maintain your child's learning beyond the videos.
  • Downloadable supporting printables: summer fruit riddle cards and an insects poster.

*A bonus video*: Yoga in nature with animal stories

:عند الانضمام سيكون لديكم

اشتراك فوري لمدة ٦ أشهر لمشاهدة محتوى تعليمي مسجل عن الحشرات و مساكنها، عالم البحار، ألغاز الفاكهة و جولة عجيبة حول العالم

.دروس مصممة لإلهام الإبداع و حب المعرفة عند الأطفال

.مواضيع مطروحة بأسلوب الحكايات، أغاني ألعاب الأصابع، الفنون و الأشغال اليدوية و التجارب العلمية

.دليل إرشاد مفصل مرفق مع كل درس و قابل للتحميل

.مطبوعات تعليمية بتصميمنا الفريد قابلة للتحميل

*حلقة إضافية عن تمارين اليوغا في الطبيعة*

Printable 1: A set of 9 vintage inspired realistic summer fruit riddle cards.

مطبوعة بطاقات ألغاز الفاكهة

Printable 2: Insects poster in Arabic with English transliteration.

مطبوعة ملصق الحشرات

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the teaching style?

Our main goal is rich language exposure through introducing real world subjects in an organic and fun approach using storytelling, finger plays, creative expression, and movement, thereby immersing children in Arabic through their heads, hearts, and hands.

When does the course start and how long do I have access to it?

The course starts now and is a completely self-paced online course. After enrolling, the videos will be available for you to watch for 3 months. Printables are downloadable.

What age group is this for?

The content is age adaptable and suitable for children 3-7 years old.

Is this course suitable for children who are non-Arabic speakers?

The course is presented in full Arabic immersion through songs, visuals and storytelling. You will have access to printable guides that accompany each learning experience in both Arabic and English. The English guide explains what the videos are about and emphasizes the vocabulary used as well as long lyrics.

Can this course be shared?

The course is for personal use only as a parent/home educator and cannot be shared with others.

Waraqah Learning was founded by a mom, raising her two boys in California, whose vision is to ignite children with the love of the Arabic language from a young age while embracing their natural creativity.

Dina has a doctorate in biomedical engineering, is a medical writer, and an enthusiast of Arabic and holistic education.

All content is copyright of Waraqah Learning©

By purchasing this curricumlum you are agreeing that it is for personal use only as a parent/home educator.

It is not to be re-produced by any circumstance or shared with anyone.

All commercial & other inquiries email: [email protected]